Better Places offers a range of resources to help spread its message of inclusivity and access beyond the books
Get yourself a Nicky and Candy’s Street poster for your school to help students understand how they can make their school a better place for blind and visually impaired people
Price: £9.99 (please note, posters are only charged at the cost of making them)
Nicky and Candy's Street Early Years Lesson Pack helps teachers of younger age groups explore what blindness means, deliver an interactive reading of Nicky and Candy's Street and offer a crafty white cane making session to discover the different types of white canes used by visually impaired people.
Prices vary depending om classroom or organisation use. Please select from the option below.
Nicky and Candy's Street Key Stager 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 Lesson Pack helps teachers explore what blindness means, deliver an interactive reading of Nicky and Candy's Street and offer a a community or class room based design activitiy to understand accessible environments and make places better in the real world.
Prices vary depending om classroom or organisation use. Please select from the option below.
Nicky and Candy's Street Upper Key Stage 2 Lesson Pack helps teachers explore what blindness means, deliver an interactive reading of Nicky and Candy's Street and facilitate a persuasive writing activity to help students understand key statistics, arguements and people to engage with to make better places.
Prices vary depending om classroom or organisation use. Please select from the option below.